Characterizing patterns of diffusion tensor imaging variance in aging brains
Published in Journal of Medical Imaging, 2024
In this paper, we analyze DTI data from 1035 subjects in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, with ages ranging from 22.4 to 103 years old. We assessed the variance of DTI scalars within regions of interest (ROIs) defined by four segmentation methods and investigated the relationships between the variance and covariates, including baseline age, time from the baseline, motion and sex, among others. This work has provided a foundation for study planning to account for regional variations in metric variance. <DOI | medRxiv>
Recommended citation: Gao, C., Yang, Q., Kim, M. E., Khairi, N. M., Cai, L. Y., Newlin, N. R., Kanakaraj, P., Remedios, L. W., Krishnan, A. R., Yu, X., Yao, T., Zhang, P., Schilling, K. G., Moyer, D., Archer, D. B., Resnick, S. M., Landman, B. A., the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative and the BIOCARD Study Team. (2024). "Characterizing patterns of diffusion tensor imaging variance in aging brains. "Journal of Medical Imaging, 11(4), 044007.