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This is a R package for weighted and directed network analysis. The package is publicly available on the CRAN. This package was selected as one of the “honorable mentions” for the John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award (ASA Section on Statistical Computing) in 2023.


  1. Yuan, Y., Yan, J. and Zhang, P. (2021). Assortativity measures for weighted and directed networks. Journal of Complex Networks, 9(2), cnab017. <DOI>
  2. Zhang, P., Wang, T. and Yan, J. (2022). PageRank centrality and algorithms for weighted, directed networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 586, 126438. <DOI>
  3. Wang, T., Yan, J., Yuan, Y. and Zhang, P. (2022). Generating directed networks with predetermined assortativity measures. Statistics and Computing, 32(5), 91. <DOI>
  4. Yuan, Y., Wang, T., Yan, J. and Zhang, P. (2023). Generating general preferential attachment networks with R package wdnet. Journal of Data Science, 21(3), 538–556. <DOI>